09 November, 2006

Mr. Pulling Goes Elizabethan: "Upon the Windswept Erie Shore"

Don't know whether y'all loved or hated the Shakespearean sonnets, but most of you, I bet, are happy that Module X is finished. Along those lines, I should have posted this little creative piece earlier just to show you that your old teacher is up his craft. He can not only teach you about Elizabethan sonnets, he can write them! I present for you a creative piece from eight years ago after I attended a conference in Cleveland, Ohio, and got very cold and very homesick in the process. Here you go . . . check out the imabic pentameter, the rhyme scheme, anything you want--This is as Elizabethan as it gets, baby!

Upon the Windswept Erie Shore
(For Sarah Ann–Upon my being homesick in Cleveland!)
By David L. Pulling
November 1998


Upon the windswept Erie shore I stand
And cast my gaze across the inland main.
Pond’rous billowing clouds roll o’er the land
As weary thoughts besiege my homesick brain.

How rude the bitter gale dispelleth cheer!
Her icy darts so penetrate my soul!
And I a stranger, a wayfarer here,
Am cast forlorn upon this foreign shoal.

O bright sun, why refusest thou to smile,
To melt away the chilling loneliness?
How long must I endure this winter vile?
When love’s glad union shall I repossess?

But soft! I’ll close mine eyes and of thee dream–
O love, console me by the fairy stream!

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